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XLIV Reunión de Estudios Regionales

Approaching to an economic model
more social and sustainable

The Spanish and Valencian Regional Science Associations are pleased to invite you to participate in the XLVI International Conference on Regional Science and the V Valencian Conference on Regional Studies that will take place in Valencia, on 21, 22 and 23 November 2018. As in previous editions, we intend to create a meeting point for economists, geographers, urban planners, econometricians, scientists, academics, regional and local public managers and specialists, in general, in planning the territory, sustainable economy, productive sectors and social economy in order to discuss the important challenges in the field of regional science.

On this occasion, the motto chosen for the conference is: ‘Approaching to an economic model more social and sustainable’, representing a clear challenge of our society. The need to transform the economic model has been known for decades, but it was with the crisis when it acquired greater relevance due to the exhaustion of a pattern of growth excessively based on construction, low value-added services and speculative economy. This scenario requires laying the foundations for our society to move towards a new economic model based on knowledge, innovation, openness, and above all, more sustainable in productive, environmental and social terms.

We must also address the key role of employment, the need for new and better infrastructures, the influence of the territory and the reform of financing models. All this within the framework of a social, economic and territorial reality characterized by an increasing complexity and above all by its changing nature.

In short, it is necessary to know and be able to characterise the structural behaviour of our economy beyond the short-term or sectoral analyses. We need to be aware of their weaknesses and threats, but also of their strengths and opportunities. Thus, effective policies and strategies could be designed to place our society on the path of the economic growth and the level of welfare that we all desire.

It is believed that the exchange of ideas within the framework of a forum that is always open to sensible and constructive reasoning, it will be possible to make a progress towards a more social and sustainable economic model. For this reason, from the Spanish and Valencian Regional Associations of Science, we want to encourage you to participate in the XLVI International Conference on Regional Science and the Valencian Conference on Regional Studies.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Valencia. (The venue of the congress will be ADEIT, in the center of Valencia, in Plaza Virgen de la Paz number 3)

ISBN: 978-84-09-05604-0


Extension of the deadline for the presentation of the full text / extended abstract


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Call for full papers or extended abstracts


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