Those interested in competing for the Juan Ramón Cuadrado Young Researchers Award must submit the full text of their communication in the face-to-face sessions of the congress..
The submission deadline is June 13.
All those communications that are unpublished and that meet any of these characteristics are eligible for the award:
Communications signed by more than one researcher may receive a prize, as long as all signatories meet the aforementioned characteristics.
For all these reasons, the organization asks interested persons to provide us with a signed declaration before June 13, stating the unpublished nature of the contribution presented, as well as compliance with the characteristics of each of the signing authors.
This statement must be scanned and sent by mail to the AECR ( If you do not receive it within the indicated period, the application will be rejected.
Candidate communications for the award must be presented within the framework of the parallel sessions of the XLIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales.
The jury in charge of awarding the prize is the scientific committee of the XLIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales. The decisions of the jury will be final.
The prize may be void if the jury considers it so.
The authors who sign the award-winning communication will receive a document accrediting the prize, which will be awarded at an event organized during the celebration of the XLIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales, and will be made public during the course of the gala dinner.