XLV Reunión de Estudios Regionales: Respuesta de las regiones periféricas ante los cambios sociales, tecnológicos y climáticos

Special programme for new researchers

Being aware of the importance of attracting new researchers to the study of economic and social spatial dynamics, the urban and regional economy and economic geography the Spanish Association of Regional Science invites our young researchers to a series of activities within the framework of the XLV Meeting of Regional Studies whose next edition will be held on 20, 21 and 22 November 2019 in Castellón.

Specific activities are proposed for doctoral students who are in the early stages of their doctoral theses and for master’s students oriented towards research. Being sensitive to the scarcity of resources available for young researchers, the proposal is accompanied by a reduced and very beneficial registration.

These activities include attendance to training workshops, the access to the plenary and parallel sessions, and the workshop for new researchers where they could present their research proposals to prestigious researchers and receive their suggestions.


Wednesday 20th

16:00 – 20:00


By Pr. José Manuel Calabuig (jmcalabu@mat.upv.es) (Grupo MAD-Mathematics and Applications to Data and Physics). Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada. Universitat Politècnica de València.

Technical instructions:

The course will be given in the JAA007AI computer classroom seminar (ground floor, Aulario de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Económicas) where the Nodejs programs and the Ethereum BC emulator: Ganache for Linux will be installed. The course will be carried out in this operating system. If any of the paticipants prefer to take their own computer with Linux installed, you can install these two programs following the instructions of the teacher. For those who use the windows and mac operating systems, they will be provided with the guidelines to be able to work with these programs a posteriori, however, the workshop will be held in the Linux environment.


By Pr. Norat Roig-Tierno. ESIC Business & Marketing School. norat.roig@esic.edu

Technical instructions:

The course will be given in the seminar of the Department of Business and Marketing (ground floor, office building of Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Económicas). For a correct follow-up of the workshop it will be necessary to come with your own personal computer and download the following software for later installation: 

WINDOWS: http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~cragin/fsQCA/fsqca30.zip

MAC: http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~cragin/fsQCA/fsqca30.app.zip


By Pr. Diego Prior (diego.prior@uab.cat) and Pr. Víctor Giménez (victor.gimenezuab.cat ). Departament d’Empresa de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Technical instructions:

The course will be given in the JAA011AI computer room seminar (ground floor, Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences) where the “Benchmarking” and “nonpareff” packages will be installed. For those participants who wish to bring their personal computer, it is recommended to bring the mentioned packages installed to facilitate a correct follow-up of the workshop.

Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd

8:30 – 20:30

Access to all parallel sessions, conferences and activities of the XLV Regional Science Congress
Friday 22nd afternoon Presentation of a Powerpoint about your research in the workshop for new researchers.



Workshop for new researchers

The objective is to give the opportunity to new researchers to present their idea of the research. It is not necessary to present results but to specify and motivate your research question, objectives and as far as possible specify their work plan, methodology and possible databases to face their analysis. In order to facilitate this presentation, the preparation of a Powerpoint is recommended as a format.

Invited researchers with extensive experience in the direction of doctoral theses and international research projects will make constructive comments on the proposed idea and will guide the researcher on the appropriate strategies to carry out their research projects, alternative databases, potential problems or improvements in the concretion of the research question and the work plan exposed.

The papers that are submitted must have the abstract model of young researchers and be circumscribed in the S-JI.- Young Researcher Sessions: “I have an idea …”

Special conditions for new researchers

Master’s degree students or at the beginning of their doctorate will be eligible for this formula. PhD students who are in the final phase of their thesis or who participate in any session of the conference cannot take benefit of this reduced registration fee. Limited places.

The reduced registration fee is 75€, while the standard fee for the rest of participants is 265€, which means a saving of 190€ for new researchers. This reduced special fee includes the right to participate in the training workshops, the access to the plenary and parallel sessions, and the workshop for new researchers. The possibility of applying for the Young Researcher Award, and the gala dinner is not included, in case someone wants to attend it is necessary to pay 50 €.

Besides this, the reduced registration fee includes also the membership fee for one year (amounting to 65 euros) with all rights as a member: access to the journal Regional Research, important reductions in all international regional science conferences (RSAI), services and activities of the AECR, etc. (You will have to register as a member through the web www.aecr.org, after the congress).

People interested in taking advantage of the reduced registration fee must send an email to info@aecr.org indicating they want to participate with the proof of the bank transfer of the payment of the registration. Payment of the fee should be done by a transfer to Caja de Arquitectos ES9231830800821000835122 before the 18th of October with the following comment: Your name and Payment Fee AECR-RER-Joven.