Sustainability, Water and Territory : Regional Strategies for the Challenges of the 21st Century





15:00 Accreditation of congressmen

15:30-18:30 Consecutive Training Workshops:

  • 15:30-17:00 INE experimental statistics:

Title: Measuring tourism from mobile phone data

Speaker: Belén González Olmos, Deputy Director General of Statistics of Economic Sectors

  • 17.00-18.30 Spatial heterogeneity models and Big Data Taught by Coro Chasco Yrigoyen

15.30 – 17.00 Virtual Parallel Sessions

19:00-20:45 Welcome: Cultural visit to the city of Cuenca

21:00 Working meeting of the scientific and organizing committees



8:30-9:00 Accreditation of congressmen

9:00 -10:30 Parallel Sessions I

10:30-11:00 Break – Coffee

11:00-12:30 Inauguration and Opening Conference by Mrs. Inés Echeverría who will give the conference titled “Agroalnext: Building a Green and Digital Future for Agriculture

12:30-13:45 Parallel Sessions II

13:45-15:00 Lunch

15:00-16:30 Parallel Sessions III

16:30-17:00 Break – Coffee

17:00-18.00 Parallel round tables:

  • Use and management of water in agriculture in the context of climate change in which the following will participate: Juan José Alarcón Cabañero – Director · Center for Soil Science and Applied Biology of Segura (CEBAS – CSIC) ( moderator), Beatriz Larraz Iribas – Director of the Tajo Chair at the University of Castilla La Mancha, Francesc Hernández Sancho – Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Valencia, Jorge Olcina Cantos – Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography at the University of Alicante, Mercedes Echegaray Giménez – Managing Director of the Water Agency of Castilla-La Mancha, Juan Miguel del Real Sánchez – General Director of Agro-food Cooperatives Castilla-La Mancha and Miguel Angel Moreno Hidalgo (University Professor | Director of the Department of Plant Production and Agricultural Technology E.T.S. Agricultural Engineers of Albacete)
  • The future of Regional Policy

18:00-19:30 Parallel Sessions IV

19.30-20.30 General Assembly of AECR members

21:00 Official Congress Dinner



9:00-10:30 Parallel Sessions V

10:30-11:00 Break – Coffee

11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions VI

12:30-14:00 Plenary Session: Closing conference by Professor Elisa Giuliani who will give the conference titled: “Geography, irresponsible business and democracy

14:00-15:00 Lunch

15:00 Bus departure for the visit to the Roman Villa of Noheda

15:30-16:30 Guided tour of the Roman Villa of Noheda (Optional)