Sustainability, Water and Territory : Regional Strategies for the Challenges of the 21st Century

Thematic Areas

  1. Growth, convergence and development.
  2. Competitiveness, efficiency and productivity.
  3. Economy of knowledge and geography of innovation.
  4. Globalization and territory.
  5. Location of economic activities.
  6. Sustainability, environment and natural resources.
  7. Demographic change, population and migratory movements.
  8. Inequality and social cohesion of the territories.
  9. Labor market and territory.
  10. Entrepreneurship and business dynamics.
  11. Tourism, culture and heritage.
  12. Governance and impact of territorial policies.
  13. Land planning, urban planning and housing.
  14. New frontiers in territorial statistical information.
  15. Methods for territorial analysis.
  16. S-TC University-Environment knowledge transfer sessions.
  17. S-JI.- Young Researchers Sessions: “I have an idea…”

SS1. Innovation, knowledge and corporate social responsibility in order to improve regional competitiveness and sustainability

SS2. Environmental impact of global value chains reconfiguration and emerging trends in international trade

SS3. Input-output models in regional analysis. Theory and applications

SS4. Rural depopulation and territorial transformation: interdisciplinary strategies and solutions from local innovation

SS5. The new demographic dynamics in the rural world. Imaginaries, community strategies and challenges

SS6. Efficiency and sustainability as challenges for water resources management

SS7. Exploring the New Frontiers of Work: Spatial Dynamics, Policies, and Socio-Economic Implications

SS8. Geography of innovation for sustainable economies and societies

SS9. The Impact of Festivals on Local and Regional Development

SS10. Machine Learning algorithms and classic Spatial Econometrics methods

SS11. Growth Accounting in Regions: Understanding the Past, Forecasting the Future

SS12. Regional Economic Aspects of the Silver Population: an essential asset to society

SS13. Fuzzy methods for measuring sustainability and well-being

SS14. Left-behind places in the XXI century

SS15.  Human Mobility and the Twin Transition

SS16. Regional Economic Analysis: Integration and Sustainable Development

SS17. Poverty and food security

SS18. Geospatial analysis and regional policy issues

SS19. Regional Perspectives on Financial Exclusion

SS20. Regional Perspectives on the Geography of Higher Education

SS21. Supply chains and mobility of the population in the Valencian Community

SS22. The future of Regional Policy

SS23. Special Session Investigaciones Regionales/Journal of Regional Research

SS24. Meet editors